Andy & Karina “Keeky” Smith

The Smiths – Andrew, Karina, David, and Johnathan
As Shepherd’s Heart’s administrative director, Andrew “Andy” oversees staff development and the coordination of each ministry. Using his leadership and pastoral ministry degrees, plus past experience as a youth pastor, Andy is passionate about training island pastors. From his first visit in 2007 his heart was stirred by the pastors’ plea for training. After much planning and prayer, Andy, Samson Mumbya and Bob Peterson, launched the two-year Pastors’ Training School (PTS) in February 2012 at the SHIM base in Kyoya. After the successful completion of the Kyoya PTS and one on Namiti (ending April 2017).
Having lived on the island for 15 years and being fluent in Luganda, Karina is considered a resident of Lingira. She is the founding president of SHIM, co-director of our Educational/Child Development program, and a member of Family Ministry. Her background as an RN and heart for the marginalized island communities give her a passion to see God transform the islands through holistic development at all levels. Her favorite role is that of wife to Andy and mother and teacher to David and Johnathan . She also enjoys serving expectant mothers with prenatal services at our Kyoya base.
Pastor Wafula Robert and Carol
Robert and Caroline Nakisita Wafula, with their two children (Reign and Rinah), serve Uganda through Shepherd’s Heart International Ministry – (SHIM). SHIM’s mission and purpose is to advance God’s Kingdom in the Buvuma Islands of Lake Victoria through transforming communities and empowering indigenous leaders to minister effectively among their own people.
Robert serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors for SHIM as well as Lingira Living Hope Secondary School (LLHSS). In addition to being both Directors of WE International Uganda (WEIU) and Co-coordinating Marathon Missions International (MMI).
Robert and Caroline have a deep affection for the Buvuam islands Ugandan people and for the future of the girl child. The purpose of their mission can be summed up in two categories:
1. Evangelism
2. Discipleship
Since 2006 Robert has been doing ministry work both on the island and mainland areas of Uganda including schools, churches and open-air crusades.
Pastor Mumbya Samson

The Mumbya Family, Easter 2018
We are so blessed by the friendship and wise counsel of our SHIM Director of Evangelism and Discipleship! Pr. Samson is an evangelist, church planter, and discipleship trainer in the Buvuma Islands. He is not only trained in ministry, but is a builder by trade. Samson oversaw the construction of buildings for YWAM, LLHSS, and SHIM on Lingira Island. He is presently active leading Marathon Missions International (MMI), an international team that puts on crusades and seminars in various locations on the islands and mainland Uganda. Samson also serves as the Director of the Lake Victoria Sanitation and Pure Water Project. He is shown with his late wife Joy and their seven children. (Our beloved “Mama Joy” went home to be with Jesus April 14, 2018.)
Richard and Prossy Kasanka

The Kasanka Family – Richard, Prossy, Jovian, and Jolie.
Joining the SHIM family in early 2014, Richard and Prossy faithfully serve as our island Base Manager and Assistant Base Manager, respectively. In addition to overseeing the SHIM base, Richard conducts film evangelistic crusades and continues to serve in a mainland church on the weekends. When not busy with base and “Mommy” duties, Prossy is involved in Sunday School and women’s ministries with the local island church, oversees weekly Bible classes, and actively disciples island children and youth. Their family includes daughters, Jovian (3) and Jolie (1), niece Patricia, and nephew Favour.
Peace Kusasira

Peace Kusasira
Bringing with her a peaceful heart and a cheerful attitude, Peace joined the SHIM family in early 2015 as our cook (following the retirement of Auntie Jennifer). Born and raised in the Jinja area, Peace is trained as a computer network professional. In addition to making delicious meals for the SHIM family and our visitors, she serves as a choir leader in the local island church and is active in children’s and mercy ministries.
Ronnie and Stella Kakaire

The Kakaire Family – Ronnie, Stella, and Yasha
Ronnie and Stella are passionate about families following Jesus and extended their Jinja-based Family Altar Ministry (FAM) to the islands in recent years. While also serving as SHIM’s accountant, Ronnie began a sports evangelism ministry on Lingira in 2017, involving many youth in discipleship and football training. In addition, they partner with the Okoros in Family Ministry and are dedicated prayer intercessors. Natives of the Jinja area, with extensive backgrounds in ministry and business, Ronnie and Stella married Aug. 31, 2013. They welcomed a daughter, Yasha Abigail, in January 2017.
To follow more of the SHIM staff and ministry, visit the SHIM Facebook page.